Elevator Voice Annunciators

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Elevator Voice Annunciator | Lift Voice Annunciator | Lift Floor Announcer

Voice annunciator / floor announcer

Key Features:
➢ Premium sound quality with sampling rate up to 48 KHz.
➢ Audio based on standard MP3 format from 8 to 320 KBPS.
➢ More than 20 years data retention.
➢ High noise immunity due to Linear dropout technology.
➢ Customised audio or local language can be played.
➢ Separate volume control for voice message and music.
➢ Special priority announcement in case of emergency.
➢ Comes with a 16MB CompactFlash card.
➢ Built-in power amplifier for speakers of 4Ω 50W.
➢ Optional feature for USB based copy to change mp3 file at site.

4-Ch Voice annunciator

Key Features:

  • Input: 12-24VDC
  • Tone: Standard Siren Tone
  • Alarm Type: Momentary / Timer Based.
  • Timer for Alarm duration can be customized
  • Sound: More than 105dB
  • Mounting bracket is MS
  • Battery Backup also available
4-Ch Voice Annunciator
1 Ch Voice Annunciator | Please close the door VAU

1-Ch Voice annunciator

Key Features:
➢ Built-in professional sound chip.
➢ Customised Audio For eg: “Dingdong” & “Please close the door”
➢ Local language customization can be done.
➢ Compact Design.
➢ Adjustable volume.